Collaborative platform and international conference

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ParticipaTIC platform

On June 4, 2019, the french version of the ParticipaTIC collaborative platform was opened to the public.

Registering is mandatory before you can discover the platform.

You will soon be able to register online on the english version and discover it. In the meanwhile, please stay in touch by following us on our social networks.

The inauguration of the platform took place during the international conference on June 4 and 5, 2019. Below you will find the program of these two days.

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International Conference

Tr@ining, Defending rights, Disability

ParticipaTIC: Strengthening the competencies of  actors for social inclusion

Dates: 4th and 5th June 2019

Venue: Auditorium de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme

20 Avenue George Sand – 93210 Saint-Denis, France

Métro Ligne 12, Station Front Populaire / Aubervilliers

Accessibility : Interpretation in French sign language (LSF),

Hearing loop system,  live transcription

Preliminary programme

Tuesday 4 June

9.00 – 10.00:  Welcome reception

10.00-10.15 : Opening speeches

Laurent Chambaud, Director of the EHESP School of Public Health, France.

Marie Cuenot, Coordinator of the Erasmus+ ParticipaTIC project, EHESP, France.

Richard Fernandez, Collectif Handicap 35, partner in the ParticipaTIC project

10.15-11.30: Round Table debate “Its our Say / Agenda Its our turn to speak  Lets open the debate.”

Speakers: Serge Van Brakel,  Association Horizon 2000, Belgium

Françoise Thouvenot, Association Collectif Handicap 35, France

Two autorepresentatives, Users section  Montigny-en-Gohelle, France

Association Leader of a Disabled persons Organisation, Romania.

Chair : Cédric Routier, Director of the Disability Research Unit HADéPaSeur Catholic University of Lille (UCL), France.

11-40-12.20: Training and learning about United Nations Convention on rights for people with disabilities (Formation Bridge, International Disability Alliance, International Disability and Development Consortium).

Speaker: Siddo Nouhou Oumarou, President of the Niger Federation of people with disabilities.

Chair: Marie Cuenot, EHESP, France.

12.20-12.30 : Céline Poulet, General Secretary, Interministerial Disability Committee, France.

1230-14.00: Lunch on site

14.00-14.30 : Presentation the ParticipaTIC project


Pierre Castelein,  Association : Gravir asbl, Belgium

Helyett Wardavoir, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles (HELB), Belgium

Emilie Brasset, Haute École Louvain en Hainaut (HELHa), Belgium

Yann Le Faou, Training Institute of Podology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy (IFPEK), France.

14.30-15.30 : Training on Line and Accessibility

Speakers: Pascal Brunet, Trainer specialist in E learning and digital accessibility, Expert AccessiWeb evaluation, Institut national supérieur de formation et de recherche pour l’éducation des jeunes handicapés et les enseignements adaptés (INSHEA), France

Armony Altinier, Consultant and trainer on digital accessibility for inclusion, KOENA, France

Chair : Bénédicte Dubois, Head Trainer in Occupational Terapy and health, IFPEK, France

15.30-16.00: Coffee/Tea Break

16.00-17.15 : Launch of the ParticipaTIC Platform by the ParticipaTIC Project partners

17.15-17.30: Conclusion of the day

Speaker: Patrick Gohet, Deputy Director of the Defender of Rights (Ombudsman) responsible for fighting discrimination and promoting equality in France.

17.30-18.00: Artistic interlude

Helyett Wardavoir and Julie Nayer (Belgique)

18.00:   Join us for an aperitif

Wednesday 5th June 2019

9.30-10.00 : Welcome reception

10.00-12.30 : Workshops: Training with the ParticipaTIC Platform: Come and tryout the platform

Four Workshops will be held at the same time. Participants should choose at their enrollment which workshop they would like to join.

Workshop 1 : Understanding our Rights, Disability and participation – Nothing about us , without us.

Facilitators : Marie Cuenot, EHESP, France ; Viviane Guerdan, ASA Handicap Mental, Switzerland ; Helyett Wardavoir, HELB, Belgium.

Workshop2 : Understanding the function of Leadership and representing an Organisation for people with disability

Facilitators: Richard Fernandez, Collectif Handicap 35, France ; Cédric Routier, UCL, France ; William Sherlaw, EHESP, France.

Worshop 3 : Understanding the United Nations Convention on the Rights for people with disabilities

Facilitators: Diana Chiriacescu, SSEO Technical Assistance, Romania ; Doriane Gangloff, ASA Handicap Mental, Switzerland ; Céline Lefebvre, UCL, France.

Workshop 4 : Tools for assessing the environment

Facilitators: Émilie Brasset, HELHa, Belgium ; Pierre Castelein, Gravir, Belgium ; Yann Le Faou, Bénédicte Dubois, IFPEK, France.

12.30-14.00: Lunch on site

Wednesday 5 June Afternoon

Introduction to the methodological guide

14.00-15.30: Feedback on designing an accessible training platform on line

Facilitators : Diana Chiriacescu, SSEO, Roumanie ; Émilie Brasset, HELHa, Belgium ; Cédric Routier, UCLille, France.

15.30-16.00: Coffee break

16.00-17.00 : Looking forward to the future for the ParticipaTIC project. Let’s share our views!

Discussion and debate with the participants about the ParticipaTIC project and possible collaborations and ideas for the development and flourishing of the ParticipaTIC  training platform

Facilitators: William Sherlaw, EHESP, France; Helyett Wardavoir, HELB? Belgique; Pierre Castelein, Gravir, Belgique.

17.00-17.30: Closing address

Richard Fernandez, Collectif handicap 35 , France ; Marielle Mesnard, Handicap International, France; Marie Cuenot, EHESP, France.

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