On the 29 and 30th April the partners were welcomed to IFPEK by Corinne Gaillard the Head of Continuous Training. She presented IFPEK’s different training programmes which include a number of sessions devoted to the theme of raising awareness of disability issues and social participation.
The Methodological Guide
It was agreed that this intellectual product should be divided into two volumes. The first volume using the ADDIE framework will include how to go about designing a training platform with its contents, and a second will remind and summarise the principles of digital accessibilility. The section on ‘methodology’ will be presented in form of information sheets drafted by the different partners. They will be checked and revised. Furthermore the production of a glossary of terms was validated. The Creative Commons licence was approved and adopted by the partners.
The different information sheets were reviewed and unresolved questions were discussed and settled. These included finalising the introduction, the choice of vocabulary, description of schema, uniformisation of terms and and illustrations and of course accessibility of on-line doculents and the platform.
Part 2 of guide has made greater progress. There only remain some minor modifications to make. These include checking the quality of image definition, the dating of information sheets and introducing supplementary hyperlinks within documents etc.
This Guide, Intellectual product O2 ,will be transfered to USB drives. Each particpant at the 4-5th June conference will be given one. This has meant introducing a tighter deadline, namely May 6th 2019 in order to carry out the necessary transfer of the guide onto memory sticks.
The translation of the guide into Romanian is scheduled for the 2nd week in May.
Conference 4-5 June 2019
The commission dealing with ParticipaTIC at the Collectif Handicap35 has been invited to meet the partners on 29th April. Details will be given on the organisation of the Round Table discussion and enrollments to the Conference. Due to logistic reasons it has been decided to place all enrollments arriving afer the 6th May on a waiting list. Enrollments must end for 15th May 2019. Lastly, the 2-day programme was examined carefully in order to finalise last-minute details and so as to allocate tasks to the different members of the project so as to facilitate logistics for the conference. To facilitate matters with respect to on-line subscriptions to the platform and the smooth running of the workshops personalised help for participants will be proposed during the 4th June cocktail.

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