2017 – Second ParticipaTIC Transnational Meeting – M2







Partnership :

France : Collectif Handicap 35
Roumanie : SSEO Technical Assistance srl
Belgique : GRAVIR asbl
France : Handicap International
Belgique : Haute École Libre de Bruxelles Ilya Prigogine
Belgique : Haute École Louvain en Hainaut
France : Institut de Formation en Pédicurie – Podologie, Ergothérapie et Masso- kinésithérapie


France : Université Catholique de Lille (Fédération Universitaire et Polytechnique de Lille)
France (Coordinateur du projet) : École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique
Suisse : ASA-Handicap mental, avec le soutien financier de movetia (subvention Confédération suisse)



The 2nd transnational meeting of the project ParticipaTIC was held on 17 January 2017, at the EHESP, in Saint-Denis (Ile de France Region).

In December, several representatives of Disability Persons Organisations in the four countries of the partnership (Belgium, France, Romania, Switzerland) have been interviewed about their training needs: the results have been presented and discussed.  A finalized summary version of the results will be distributed to people who participated in the interviews.

Some notes written on a paperboard.

Two tasks are now our first priorities :

  • First, based on the results of the interviews, we will categorise and organise a selection of training themes and skills that will be made available on the collaborative Platform. The first selected themes are : understanding the concept of disability ; the representative function ; the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disbabilities ; tools and methodologies for assessing people’s needs and public policies.
  • Second, the work will be divided so to have 4 working groups made of several partners to work on each theme and develop learning modules.

For the next meeting in March 2017, each group will work on first teaching scenarios.