During the fourth transnational meeting, on 30 and 31 May 2017, significant progress on several key issues was made.
First, we discussed the template Version 1 proposed for the collaborative platform. This will be the basis for a reference document about the functional specifications. This will help in guiding our choice for an external IT developer for the platform.
It is important to recall that learners will have an opportunity to add resources and content to the upcoming platform.
Update on the learning modules
Each module in progress was presented and discussed so as to improve consistency and how this is to be taken into account between the different modules. Each group took good notes of the remarks formulated. The groups and the corresponding modules are as follows:
- Group « Understanding disability and introducing others to key concepts of disability » (HELB, EHESP, ASA-HM)
- Group « Improving leadership skills for representatives of DPOs’ » (UCL, CH35, EHESP)
- Group « UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities » (ASA-HM, UCL, SSEO)
- Group « Tools for assessing public policies’ impact» (Gravir, IFPEK, HELHa)
Update on the methodological guide
A first draft structure was proposed for the methodological guide. This guide aims at helping others who may also wish to design similar collaborative and accessible digital learning spaces. Both teaching and technical dimensions should figure in it.
Update of the working group about Accessibility
The group presented the fourth version of the « Accessibility Guide ». Feedback from members of the Collectif Handicap 35 and a representative of Handicap International had been requested. Feedback was very positive. This guide aims to be comprehensive but also accessible and not over-technical. The final version of the complete guide will be disseminated broadly in June 2019, at the same time as the official launch of the Platform ParticipaTIC.