2017 – Fifth transnational ParticipaTIC meeting M5







On 2 and 3 October, at the Paris site of the EHESP School of Public Health, the partners discussed issues and the state of progress of the project. The first good news was that we remain on schedule in spite of having encountered difficulties in logistics in relation to the technical development of the platform.

Technical points related to the platform

Eric France (IT Login), who has been commissioned to work on the development of the functional specifications, presented the version « primo » of the Platform. The Platform Moodle, that will be used to create the training modules in the project, allows to complement face-to-face courses and also self-training. The « Primo » version allows the partners to work on the implementation of their modules. In parallel, IT Login has developed a « Bêta » version that will be loaded with the contents of the « Primo » version and will provide different accessibility options so to progressively allow us to reach the expected outcomes. Julien Torrent (ASA-HM) is the project manager in relation to Accessibility specifications of the platform.

A simulation of a course with the highly useful tools and resources was presented. This aims to offer partners practical examples of training activities

Teaching scenarios in the modules

Each working group (« Understanding disability and introducing others to understand disability », « Improving leadership skills for representatives of DPOs’», « UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities », « Assessment Tools ») made a 15 minute presentation of the work they had undertaken on their training theme.

General issues dealt with the progression process of the learners, the sign-in procedures, the collaborative dimension of the platform, how the contents will be updated, the preparation of the ECTS, the implementation of a speech synthesizer and the degree of accessibility to be reached.

Finally, the partners discussed how links need to be developed between the 4 modules.

The next workshop in November 2O17 will aim at:

  • Providing  a very detailed teaching scenario and a clear and short general summary of each module
  • Providing the list of all the courses developed in each module with a summary of their content
  • Fully developing one course, with all the necessary functionalities, in order to allow the developer to analyze the potential problems and to find solutions when working on the « bêta » version.

Dissemination events

Three dissemination events will be held in June 2019. All the partners wish to have at their disposal a convenient venue which is fully accessible, including the breaks and the buffet.

A small working group (initially planned organizers: UCL, HELB, Gravir, EHESP) will meet on 4 May in Lille to work on these events.

The project ParticipaTIC is on the social networks :

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8633531

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ParticipaTic/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/Participa_TIC

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