The partners met up in Bucharest to validate past phases and anticipate future phases of the project. These included :
The trilingual learning platform (O1)
Since December 2018 a number of improvements have been carried out on the voice synthesis and also on the Home Page. The aim is to render the platform operational for the end of May 2019, so as to be ready for its launch at the June conference. The French platform was cloned in the week of the 18th to 22nd March 2019. These three platforms (FR/RU/EN) are totally independent from each other. In the future they may evolve in different ways. Only the home page still needs cloning. Translations are currently being carried out. Maintenance and hosting arrangements are forseen until December 2021. Arrangements for after 2021will be discussed and decided by the GIFFOCH.
KOENA has carried out an analysis of accessibility of the home page of ParticipaTIC and has put forward suggestions for its development. With respect to the issue of accesssibility the partners call for realism and prudence since it will always be possible to improve the platform. Thus current choices taken with regard to accessibility should necessarily take into consideration this fact.
Certain instructional videos are already available on the platform. It will be useful that such videos are complemented by a text written in ‘Easy to Read/understand languge as well as providing guidance on how to tutor people with intellectual disabilities for instance.
Partners have agreed to using the Creative Commons licence (CC) with respect to all matters pertaining to intellectual property and copyright « The overall content of the website, unless otherwise indicated, is available under the terms of CC licence CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 ( Atrribution – No commercial usage – shared un the same conditions 4.0 International)
Promotion of the ParticipaTIC Platform
A possible collaboration with the project Handicap Innovation Territory (HIT) (Label Inclusive city) which IFPEK is currently associated is under study. The ParticipaTIC platform could be used in Brittany. One of the aims of the HIT project would be to tackle the digital divide
Conference 4th and 5th June 2019
Since the begining of December the provisional conference programme has been put on-line. This includes the enrollement form, enrollment management, and e-mail disemmination in different formats (‘postcard’ and A3 posters.) The second part of the day of 5th June will be devoted to the ParticipaTIC project and the future devlopment of the platform. Each working group will prepare a presentation of its module for the the E3 workshops and also finalise its powerpoint slide shows. Questions on the future of the platform project such as ‘ What’s going to happen after 2019 with respect to the platform ? How will it be administered ? Will on-line assistance be provided ? If so, how How will the upkeep of the platform work ? How will it be funded ? ‘ will be explored due the latter sessions of the conference. Through exploring needs and gaining feedback it is is hoped to facilitate the setting up of ties and partnerships. « With this in mind it is suggested that a questionnaire should be formulated and also participants to the conference will be asked to reflect on what needs they have identified and what future do they envisage for ParticipaTIC ? During the conference participants will be reminded of these questions and their possibility to offer feedback and suggestions for the future.
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